Transnational Capitalism Examined

27 September - 26 November 2016
A double solo exhibition of the Austrian artist Oliver Ressler curated by Mike Watson

Fondazione Pastificio Cerere and The Gallery Apart, with the support of the Austrian Cultural Forum in Rome, are pleased to announce Transnational Capitalism Examined, the double solo exhibition of Austrian artist Oliver Ressler curated by Mike Watson.

Transnational Capitalism Examined presents an overview of the work of Austrian artist and filmmaker across two art spaces in Rome: Fondazione Pastificio Cerere (from September 27th 2016) and The Gallery Apart (from September 28th 2016).

Both exhibitions will be open to the public until November 26th 2016.

Oliver Ressler’s research is constantly aimed to mitigate the boundaries between art and political activism, through installations and videos. His works make visible things which are otherwise kept invisible, thereby opening the possibility for dialogue around political wrongdoing and strategies to challenge it.

 [Download the press release]



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Oliver Ressler, Transnational Capitalism Examined: Dancing on Systemically Important Graves, The Bull Laid Bear (video), Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, credits: Mario Martignetti.