
21 May - 21 June 2005
Opening of Fondazione Pastificio Cerere

Artists: Attardi, Boyden, Ceccobelli, Celestino, Dessì, Florescu, Fumasoni, Gallo, Melotta, Nunzio, Paoni, Pennestri, Pizzi Cannella, Rainaldi, Ravnkilde, Ruffo, Savini, Tirelli, Turco, Valentino

«Fondazione Pastificio Cerere – as declares the President Flavio Misciattelli – was born from my experience inside the Pasti cio with the resident artists, sharing the same passion and the same love for art. With this project we want to give Pastificio Cerere – which is a historical building thanks to the presence of the artists – a legacy inaugurating with an unmistakable name: Residenti (Residents). An exhibition that could put together the historical artists that were resident in the building, in a common space where they can exhibit their works and testify their presence.
The cultural development of a community is the essential ele- ment for its growth and it is from this idea that we want to place beside the original project, dedicated to the historical artists of the new roman school, born here in the Pasti cio at the end of the Seventies, the idea to promote in the same context contem- porary art beginning from young artists resident in the Pastificio, drawing a line of growth, to all those “non residents” who do not embrace the contemporary art world in its thoroughness.
Fondazione Pastificio Cerere starts with this identity and the con- science that the world of the art is always in evolution, searching it- self. By presenting this project, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere shows its goals to the people and potential supporters providing them with data, news, elements, but above all useful facts to create a dialogue that favours the improvement and the sponsorship of this ambitious initiative.»

[Read the Press Release]


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