

31 March 2025
The 4 Ed. of Re:humanism explores advancements in artificial intelligence and emerging cultural visions

In June 2025 the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere will host the exhibition dedicated to the winning artists of the fourth edition of the Re:humanism Art Prize, the prize established in 2018 by the cultural association Re:humanism to explore the relationship between art and artificial intelligence, open to all professional artists, with no limits of age or geographical origin.

Timeline Shift is the title of this year’s edition which explores the concept of time, often experienced from a Western perspective oriented towards the future and productivity, but which today requires an opening towards other cultural forms and rituals. It is an invitation to rediscover, in technologies and everyday life, a synchronicity capable of reconnecting individual experience with the world around us, including living species, artificial entities and ourselves.

Participants are invited to reflect on six thematic areas of their choice: Data Feminism, imagining and informing feminist AI; Decoloniality & Reechantment, other knowledge for new worlds; Radical Remixes, how to overcome the recursive logic of LLMs (Large Language Models); Prosthetics, rewrite the body and its codes; Interfaces, the filters through which we observe the world; Other Visions, everything we didn’t dare to know.

Ten projects will be selected by a jury composed of experts in contemporary art and new digital technologies, together with the founders of Re:humanism.

New to this edition, in addition to eight production and exhibition prizes, are the Romaeuropa Festival’s Digitalive Award and the APA Award, which includes the display of the winning works on digital billboards distributed throughout the city of Rome.

[read the press release]

Call deadline: 31 marzo 2025