REFOLDED. Percorsi meta-artistici

14 December 2020 - 18 January 2021
curated by Curatorial Collective of Luiss Master of Art X

Fondazione Pastificio Cerere hosts REFOLDED. Percorsi meta-artistici, a group show curated by the Curatorial Collective of Luiss Master of Art X, 1st level university Master’s of Luiss Business School with the scientific supervision of Achille Bonito Oliva.

The theme chosen by the Curatorial Collective for the final project work is meta-art, that is the reflection that art makes on itself. Through this folding, its self-referentiality allows art to legitimize itself by showing its conditions of possibility. In this process of introspection, some strategies are implemented, identified as examples of approach to the theme of meta-art. The concept is declined as an iconography of works that have posed themselves as models of the history of art; as a reinterpretation of the pictorial tradition that identifies landscape and myths as some of its genres; as a reflection on the choice of an expressive medium: photography, painting, sculpture, installation can be interpreted on the basis of the link with the artistic tradition, society, culture and contemporary art.

Thirteen artists were identified for consistency with the theme – Yuri Ancarani, Simone Cametti, Francesco Capponi, David Casini, Francesca Cornacchini, Fabrizio Cotognini, Chiara Fantaccione, Kensuke Koike, Goldschmied & Chiari, Gianni Politi, Alessandro Scarabello, Serena Vestrucci and Stefania Vichi – to which are added the three finalists of the International Contemporary Generation Award, organized by the Luiss Creative Business Center with the aim of promoting Italian and International contemporary art, supporting artists under 35 and expanding the permanent collection of contemporary art of the Luiss Business School. The selected artists are: Silvia Bigi, the duo Stefano Comensoli_Nicolò Colciago and Francesco Fossati.

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[read the press release]



Giulia Doneddu: 393 077 3704

Elena Giacalone: 329 087 7150


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Chiara Fantaccione, Paesaggio. Installation view, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere. Crediti: Sveva Angeletti | Valerio Carosi