La caduta del cielo è un pensiero felice

13 July - 18 July 2022
curated by Marcello Smarrelli

The Pastificio Cerere Foundation and the Severino Foundation, set up with the aim of developing training and social and work reintegration paths for prisoners, join forces to give life to a new project that brings contemporary art inside the Rebibbia Women’s Prison in the shared conviction that the experience of working with artists can provide a valuable opportunity for civic and cultural growth.

For this first event, the artist Leonardo Petrucci was invited, who devised a workshop entitled La caduta del cielo è un pensiero felice (The fall of the sky is a happy thought) with the aim of stimulating the imagination and creativity of the participants through such a fascinating subject as astronomy.

The workshop, curated by Marcello Smarrelli, will take place from 13 to 18 July for a duration of 12 hours, in which the participants will be able to investigate with the artist, their relationship with the night and the stars, through drawing and painting.

The central element of the work will be the study and analysis of meteors, a term that in Greek means ‘suspended in the air’, from which the term meteorology, i.e. ‘the study of things in the sky’, derives. A meteor is a fragment of any kind that, upon entering the earth’s atmosphere from space, ignites due to friction, giving rise to the phenomenon of shooting stars.
We will talk about the many legends attributable to this phenomenon, which vary greatly depending on the geographical area, era and religion, focusing above all on the positive value that most connotes it in our times, it is said, in fact, that when one sees a falling star, one only has to make a wish and hope that the sky will help make it come true.