H. H. Lim: Roma Project. Due Passi Avanti e Uno Indietro

22 November 2007 - 31 January 2008
curated by Lorenzo Benedetti

The H.H. Lim’s solo exhibition at Pastificio Cerere Foundation is focused on the city of Rome.The Chinese-Malaysian artist want pay a tribute to Rome and to dedicate the images to the city where he has lived and worked for many years. This series of big pictures show squares and streets: the path that the artist does everyday from his house to work.

The urban landscape represented by Lim, show us familiar shots of the city. A theme is the way as those picture are taken: they seem off-the -cut, but there are all the elements of the daily life. The other topic is the familiar feeling with the subject: the huge arcade of Piazza Vittorio, the main street of San Lorenzo. Sharp glimpses of the city, marked by the cables of trams which crosscut the image, suggesting the frenetic traffic of the city.

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Roma Project. Due Passi Avanti e Uno Indietro, installation view, 2007, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere. Credits: Claudio Abate.