Fluid Journey_Exhibition

02 March - 19 May 2017
Curated by Silvia Litardi

On Thursday, March 2nd, 2017 at 7.00 pm Fluid Journey opens, a project curated by Silvia Litardi, which includes a collective exhibition and a conference. The topic is the space as a semantic place where negotiating meanings, where artists have foreigner features compared to an autochthonous culture, fostering a trans-local gaze.

The exhibition itself, as its title suggests, is a fluid journey across works drawing a plausible, ever-evolving, incomplete cartography: Alterazioni Video, Younes Baba-Ali, Julian D’Angiolillo, Maj Hasager, Ibrahim Mahama, Anna Raimondo.

The exhibition is opened to visitors at Fondazione Pastificio Cerere from March 3rd to May 19th, 2017. The Symposium, promoted by La Sapienza University in Rome, is to be held on April 5th, at MLAC – Laboratory Museum of Contemporary Art.

In collaboration with: DCAI / CKI – Danish Centre for Arts & IntercultureMLAC – Museo Laboratorio di Arte Contemporanea. Supported by: Danish Arts FoundationMinisterio de Cultura – Presidencia de la NaciónEmbajada de la República Argentina – Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto. Sponsored by: Casa ArgentinaDipartimento di storia dell’arte e spettacolo – Sapienza Università di RomaIILA – Istituto Italo-Latino AmericanoIED – Istituto Europeo di Design. Technical Sponsors: APA – Agenzia Pubblicità AffissioniCasale Del Giglio.

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Ibrahim Mahama, NONE (dettaglio), etichette metalliche su sacchi per il carbone, 360 x 213 cm, 2016 - 2017. Installation View Fondazione Pastificio Cerere. Courtesy: artista e APalazzo Gallery. Crediti: Pierpaolo Lo Giudice.