Agostino Iacurci e ivan: Sol Indiges

29 March - 15 October 2021
un progetto di arte pubblica a Pomezia tra mito e futuro, a cura di Marcello Smarrelli

From 29 March 2021: Agostino Iacurci “L’antiporta” at the Ugo Tognazzi Municipal Library

From 15 October 2021: ivan “Call to the arts – Teaching” at the Orazio first grade secondary school and the Publio Virgilio Marone first grade secondary school

Sol Indiges. Public Art in Pomezia between myth and future is a project by the city of Pomezia, in collaboration with the Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, curated by Marcello Smarrelli, created with the intent of incrementing the City’s cultural heritage through a program of Urban Art interventions.
The project makes its way in a context of a wider political vision, characterizing the choices of the current administration, facing an ever-growing involvement of the citizens, especially the younger ones, through creative processes aimed at their formation and cultural growth.
The artistic operations, aimed at retying the thread of contemporary history to that of the myth linked to its origins through the figures of Aeneas and Virgil, represent the contribution of the city honoring national celebrations regarding the seven-hundredth anniversary of Dante’s death.

Sol Indiges is the name of the sanctuary dedicated to god Sun, creator of all things, risen in the very place of Aeneas’ landing, at the mouth of the river Numico, near Lavinium – built in the country bordering the city of Pomezia – though it is also the epithet the Romans used to describe the founding hero.
As a means of comparison and contrast for Dante, emblem of pietas for Virgil, Aeneas reappears as paradigm and civic example for the citizens, a role model for the youth, placing the common good of the community before his own personal well-being.

The task was assigned to Agostino Iacurci (Foggia, 1986, currently living and working in Berlin) and  ivan (Ivan Tresoldi; Milan, 1981, currently living and working in Milan) – internationally renowned artists, known mostly for their monumental artworks in public spaces and the relations they’re able to create inside the hosting communities – who were invited to intervene upon the facades of several socially, culturally priceless buildings: The Ugo Tognazzi city Library, Orazio middle school and Publio Virgilio Marone middle school.


Agostino Iacurci, L'antiporta, 2021, Credits: #Fotoarchitetto | Rigymnasium

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Agostino Iacurci, L'antiporta, 2021, Credits: #Fotoarchitetto | Rigymnasium


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ivan, Chiamata alle arti- Fare Scuola, Scuola Orazio, Pomezia. Crediti: Andrea Pizzalis