Pastificio Cerere: a meditation upon recovery and project

16 February - 02 March 2012
curated by Andrea Bordi

The project Pastificio Cerere: a meditation upon recovery and project had been articulated through an exhibition and a conference, in line with its didactic and educational vocation which characterize the cul­tural and exhibiting activity of the Pastificio Cerere Foundation. The project—curated by Andrea Bordi (professor of the degree course in Project of recovery of historical building trade at the Faculty of Architecture of Sapienza)—is part of a wider initiative of cooperation between the Pastificio Cerere Foundation and La Sapienza – University of Rome.
The Foundation’s exhibition space hosted a selection of projects realized by the students of the Faculty of Architecture, which can be considered both as experiments of territorial and building recovery and as medita­tions upon urban landscapes, through a glance focalized upon aesthetics, sociology and the subtle environ­mental, artistic and anthropological relations defining the complex panorama of contemporary architecture. Thesis and projects about the building and the neighborhood are shown, elaborated by the students during the course Project of recovery of historical building trade, with the coordination of the respective professors An­drea Bordi, Massimiliano Coccia, Paolo Maddaleni and Paolo Rodorigo; and the courses by Eliana Cangelli, tenured of the Workshop of Technological and Environmental Design; Maurizio Pappalardo, Workshop of Buildings, and Rossella Caruso, professor of History of Modern and Contemporary Art.
The opening of the exhibition has been be preceded by an open meeting which aimed at delving into the theme of the exhibition, through the presence of Andrea Bordi, Massimiliano Coccia, Paolo Rodorigo, Eliana Cangelli and Rossella Caruso.
For many years the professors and students of the Faculty of Architecture in Rome dealt with San Lorenzo area and Pastificio Cerere; however, seldom their analyses and works were shared with the population and compared with the social dimension of the residents. This double appointment has been both an attempt at creating a territorial link and the expression of a new will of academic research: the unavoidable comparison among academic world, social practices and citizenship’s participation. The event, opening a channel of intermediate listening where and while things happe—within a historical phase which demonstrates how a continuous dialectics is—is the perfect expression of the Pastificio Cerere Foundation’s cultural statement.



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Il Pastificio Cerere: una riflessione tra recupero e progetto, installation view at Fondazione Pastificio Cerere, 2012. Credits: Thomas Munns