170 stories in a bottle

08 May - 29 May 2018
A project conceived and curated by Paolo Marcolongo within the project Curare l’Educazione?

On Tuesday, May 8th 2018, at 7 pm , at Spazio Cerere, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere and the Nando and Elsa Peretti Foundation present 170 RACCONTI IN BOTTIGLIA, a project conceived and curated by Paolo Marcolongo, who is a sculptor, a goldsmith master and a teacher at the Liceo artistico Modigliani in Padua. The exhibition takes place within the project Curare l’Educazione? conceived by Marcello Smarrelli, Fondazione Pastificio Cerere’s artistic director.

170 bottles are exhibited. They contain miniature artworks, which have been realized by students from third grade of the art high school between 2011 and 2015, to tell Claudio Magris long journey through his masterpieces, Danubio.

Students have ideally walked through almost three thousand kilometers with extreme creativity, from the German springs of the river to the Black Sea outlet; they have reproduced inside 170 bottles 170 snapshots of journey that Magris described in his notebook.

After Padua and Barcelona, the 170 bottles – set along a 60-meter path – will be exhibited from May 9th to May 29th 2018 at Spazio Cerere in a spectacular installation.

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"170 Racconti in Bottiglia", installation view, Spazio Cerere, 2018. Crediti: Francesco Ciavaglioli